Delight In Plight
The Comic ' The Adventures Of Ryaniquel'
2 Corinthians 12:10That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Destination Points
This verse made me very glad to be me, weak. Yes, sadly i m weak. This verse actually makes me enjoy being humble, as it places the conscience right inside me to no longer be worried if i am weak, insulted, trobled, persecuted, or facing some huge kick-ass problem. I like this verse because i know i am really weak, either fragile will inadequacy to do most things. As for difficulty, its my life;in fact if my life is represented in literature, it would be a phat comic strip revolving around endless problem or challenges. 'The Adventures of Ryaniquel', hopefully drawn by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman. The main character, namely 'me' would be either in a trouble, on my way happily out of trouble and most of the time; getting into trouble. All this would be accompanied with serious stupid crazy things. Sequel available every week. Check for a copy at your nearest available bookstore today.
The thing is, its now such a blessing. Every moment of having problem, insults, hardship, being inadequate to achieve actually keeps my mind on Jesus. Its just human isnt it? You usually remember GOD more when you got whole load of crap on you. That is the moment, "GOD, please....... " prayer begins to be really often. Yeah, me especially. So basically, more trouble = more time on GOD. Bless you if you come across this and read it until here.