The Quill Of Inspirations. 4th Scroll

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, WRITE them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3

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Location: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Everybody is an artist. Everyone has different art to offer. I am an artist with strange art to offer. I believe in I am. I believe in illustration through visual and articulation. I believe expression is inevitable. -Ryan I am still learning about myself everyday.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Criticism Can Talk and Listen

Criticism is to art what history is to action and philosophy to wisdom.-------Northrop Frye (1912 - 1991)
Critism is a vital component of human communication. With its absence, the opportunities for self-improvement would be lacking. Good criticism is absolutely necessary as it gives the chance to prove ourselves and solve problems. It should not leave us squashed but inspired to progress. This good criticism sounds admirable, until you face the real world and realise how deppressing daily common criticism can be. Everyday put-downs may contain a great deal of truth even if vulgarly expressed, usually from authoritative parties and people that don't care how you feel.

Criticism is a potent influence in everyone's life. Malicious gossip that is inevitable in anywhere may be groundless but it affects others' opinions, and more importantly -very difficult to erase. This problem probably arises due to the nature of human communication skills, criticism often picks up on small aspects and misses out on the whole picture. At its worst, a criticism will focus on the negative and eliminate the rest, leaving you feeling utterly worthless. Words can really wound, it causes emotions to get in the way very quickly either when giving criticism and receiving it.

How to give Criticism;--
  1. Bad news sandwich - Find something positive to say then offer the criticism, then reiterate the good points. This way, you should be able to get more attention.
  2. Don't give one when you are in a bad mood.
  3. Avoid put-downs / insult
  4. Don't giggle or give awkward shuffles - That is message enough.
  5. Keep calm and aim for constructive communication
  6. Don't criticise someone in public.
  7. Aim for positive approach - Positive statements suggesting a better alternative.
  8. After you finish criticising, stop and listen for response.
How to take Criticism;--
  1. Criticism is a inevitable 'gift'. Answer to them assertively and learn from them.
  2. Deal with the criticism for the first few hours, or else it'll disturb you for a long time.
  3. Step back a little when u are criticised, try not to get hurt.
  4. If you know someone is gossiping behind your back, get them to sit down and talk with you.
  5. Think! and decide what to do. Don't just act for the sake of acting.
  6. If the criticism is rubbish, listen and forget.
  7. Sometimes, remember- its not personal.
  8. Think of it this way, these people cared for you to criticise you that you can change for the better.

As a conclusion, i demand a better world with better response to criticism and a higher standard in critism giving. Adios.

Ref: UPS

Breakfast for Thought

Breakfast, the most neglected meal, and routinely skipped meal. While all three traditional meals play an important part in supplying out bodies with the daily recommended levels of essential nutrients, most experts agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. From articles of many sources to food facts and studies, it is clearly obvious that breakfast results in a more positive attitude, slimmer body, and better concentration. Breakfast really does kick start your day so don't skip it no more.

Breakfast is Brain Food
According to Foodfactsasia, eating breakfast is associated with improvements in mental performance. Starting the day with a light meal has positive impact on alertness, concentration, and helps to establish a positive attitude towards school studies, workplaces task and other activities. This is hardly suprising, given breakfast, especially carbohydrate-based breakfasts boost brain glucose levels, and micronutrients, such as B vitamins commonly added to breakfast cereals are also known to have positive effect on brain functions.

Breakfast eaters are slimmer
People who claim they are cutting calories by skipping breakfast, also are the very same people who are found snacking later in the day and fighting the low energy battle in the late afternoon and evening. Breakfast was designed to rev up your body for the rest of the day by boosting your energy, keeping your eating patterns even and stimulating your body's metabolism. No wonder those who skip breakfast are constantly in the "focus on weight loss" mode.

Make it Easy

One of the most common reasons given for skipping breakfast is 'lack of time'. The morning rush to get out of the house on time is a common feature in so many busy lives nowadays. This time pressure combined with assumptions that a nutritious breakfast will take time to prepare and eat, is a common reason why breakfast may disappear from the morning routine.

Another very common reason given for missing breakfast is 'lack of appetite.' Normally night time is the longest period in the daily routine when no food or drink is consumed, and yet despite this, many report not wanting to eat in the early morning. If you want to re-establish the breakfast habit, but 'no appetite' is the obstacle, start with something small, and easy, and concentrate first on making it part of the morning routine. Something is better than nothing.

One solution to both of these challenges is to plan ahead, and choose foods which seem most appealing in the early part of the day, and then ensure they are on hand and ready in the morning, or why not consider getting up just 10 minutes earlier in the morning?

Also, think beyond cooked and elaborate traditional breakfasts, and choose foods from the starchy cereals and grains; high calcium; fruit and vegetable food groups: Quick, cold dishes such as breakfast cereal and dairy or soy milk or breakfast bars with a carton of juice or milk; pots of yoghurt, fresh or dried fruit; rice crackers with a sweet or savoury spread, buns or other lower fat bakery goods offer easy grab-and-go options, that can be eaten on the way to work or school if necessary. If picking up food after leaving the house, try to avoid fried foods and aim to include some fresh fruit or vegetables; for example grilled fish with vegetables instead of fried rice, an omelette stuffed with finely chopped vegetables or a carton of juice with a muesli bar.

Ref: Food facts asia and

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Criticism Can Talk And Listen.

Criticism is to art what history is to action and philosophy to wisdom.-------Northrop Frye (1912 - 1991)
Critism is a vital component of human communication. With its absence, the opportunities for self-improvement would be lacking. Good criticism is absolutely necessary as it gives the chance to prove ourselves and solve problems. It should not leave us squashed but inspired to progress. This good criticism sounds admirable, until you face the real world and realise how deppressing daily common criticism can be. Everyday put-downs may contain a great deal of truth even if vulgarly expressed, usually from authoritative parties and people that don't care how you feel.

Criticism is a potent influence in everyone's life. Malicious gossip that is inevitable in anywhere may be groundless but it affects others' opinions, and more importantly -very difficult to erase. This problem probably arises due to the nature of human communication skills, criticism often picks up on small aspects and misses out on the whole picture. At its worst, a criticism will focus on the negative and eliminate the rest, leaving you feeling utterly worthless. Words can really wound, it causes emotions to get in the way very quickly either when giving criticism and receiving it.

How to give Criticism;--
  1. Bad news sandwich - Find something positive to say then offer the criticism, then reiterate the good points. This way, you should be able to get more attention.
  2. Don't give one when you are in a bad mood.
  3. Avoid put-downs / insult
  4. Don't giggle or give awkward shuffles - That is message enough.
  5. Keep calm and aim for constructive communication
  6. Don't criticise someone in public.
  7. Aim for positive approach - Positive statements suggesting a better alternative.
  8. After you finish criticising, stop and listen for response.
How to take Criticism;--
  1. Criticism is a inevitable 'gift'. Answer to them assertively and learn from them.
  2. Deal with the criticism for the first few hours, or else it'll disturb you for a long time.
  3. Step back a little when u are criticised, try not to get hurt.
  4. If you know someone is gossiping behind your back, get them to sit down and talk with you.
  5. Think! and decide what to do. Don't just act for the sake of acting.
  6. If the criticism is rubbish, listen and forget.
  7. Sometimes, remember- its not personal.
  8. Think of it this way, these people cared for you to criticise you that you can change for the better.

As a conclusion, i demand a better world with better response to criticism and a higher standard in critism giving. Adios.

Ref: UPS