The Quill Of Inspirations. 4th Scroll

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, WRITE them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3

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Location: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Everybody is an artist. Everyone has different art to offer. I am an artist with strange art to offer. I believe in I am. I believe in illustration through visual and articulation. I believe expression is inevitable. -Ryan I am still learning about myself everyday.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Ignorance, Stupidity or Just a Question

If someone comes to you and asks you how to do something - even if it is a simple task, or asks you something most obvious or a-question-you-consider-stupid, Please! do not make them feel silly for asking, embarrassed for not knowing, incompetent. The world is full of people not knowing and it is other peoples' responsibility to help them along the way. A great way to start is not to say 'Duh!',instead a simple answer would make everyone blissful.

Besides, it is your job to like people. Not to get people to like you. However, you can get people to like you when you show respect to other people. See how things are so related. There would be a time that you might ask for help, and the last thing you want is to feel embarrassed or regretful that you actually asked. So Lets do Unto Others What You Want Others To Do Unto You!.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Whats With Your Msn Nick Ryan ?

Some people asked me about my nick, some already knew about it because they were there for the same sermon. Anyway, i felt like highlighting this 7Ups so here it goes.

7 Ups to Commited Christian Living

- Give up ;
Give up what!? Give up the world as in the lifestyle it offers, which is living in sin basically. Not to mention the bad habits, give it all up be it smoking, drinking, slandering, gossiping, and et-cetera. Some people have spiritual slavery, perhaps they went through some real hell in the past and it is not easy to let go. But the way to go is give it all up to Jesus Christ. We should also fight temptation, zero toleration in short~. We have to give up in order to go up.

- Grow up ;
Yes, please grow up you people!..... Well, all of us should grow up in our understanding on suffering and persecution. We always know that Jesus said "In this world you will have trouble", somehow we don't have this verse stuck on the back of our brains yeh~ instead then trouble comes, "Omg, Why does this shit have to always happen on me?" or some other similar response. The reason God allows trouble to happen to us is because simply he wants to mould our character. Sometimes, there are problems that God didnt put there for character building.. its because of our own mistakes, carelessness or misunderstanding.

- Shut Up!!
Human have a general inclination to reach negatively at any circumstance. So if you got nothing good to say, just Shut up!! If you start mumbling and worrying, it is most likely the people around you will be influenced by your exaggerated fear.

- Fire Up!!
We have to get excited over things of God.! Always burning whole heartly. Yes, even when you are sleepy or tired. Hallelujah!!!!

- Swallow Them Up

"The Lord Is With Us". Should not be intimidated by trouble, for the Lord gives us the capability to swallow up the problem. 'Problem and Obstacles are the things you see when you take you focus off Jesus, your goal'.

- Look Up
Look up to God, and the good things HE did at any circumstances. Thank him for blessings and obstacles in life.

- Rise Up
The enemy knows what you can be, thats exactly why they try to destroy you before you become what God said you can be. There is no retirement age to serve the lord, so rise up whatever age you are.

These are basically the 7Ups to a commited Christian Living!
*reference: Pastor Lawrence.*

Friday, September 17, 2004

First Day Of Autumn Semester

I cannot believe myself. The first lecture of the semester, and bloody hell, I missed it - totally missed it by sleeping through it. When I realize the lecture was about to end in 10 minutes, I threw whatever I could see on my table, rush bathed, and flew straight to near campus ( I park somewhere far ). Then I run immediately for class, it takes some time. Then as I was running, I asked myself "Why do I run?" No one has ever really asked me that *including me*. I suppose that has to do with the fact that it doesn't appear that I run for a particular purpose. Which is, I have never been on cross country team, never been on a track team (was actually so close in getting in the short distance one though), and I haven't declare that I am training for any particular purpose although I do run in the park occasionally.

Well, the answer to "Why do you run" for me is not just one simple reply. For me there are many answers. In this case, its because I am on adrenaline rush - my whole body is tuned for maximum effectiveness in order not to miss class (besides the fact that i am already late). Its great on adrenaline rush, like getting "high"? Lol. You become a temporary super human; boosted eyesight, stamina, strength, agility..too bad it doesnt make u temporarily better looking. In the usual case, running help me de-stress, and straighten things out in my mind. I do my best thinking when its just me, my feet and the running track. The rhythm of soft tapping of the rubber on the track; the soothing, calming rhythm that brings me enlightenment. In the silent journey, I get to talk to God, think about HIS word, think about certain issues that requires mental effort.

That still does not answer the question as to why I run. There are the obvious reasons: to burn calories, to gain muscle, to improve my cardiovascular and all around endurance, to lower my heart rate, to gain more energy, and so on. But I also run for other people. People who would give anything if they could take just one more step. People who for whatever reason running is a luxury they do not have. For those who do not have much time left. I run for them. I run so that others know I appreciate simple things that they aren’t capable of.

I run for time. With each step that passes I come closer to my goal.Be it one mile or five. I run for me. I run because when I run Ialways reach my goal. It is the one thing that I do, and do efficiently. I run for those that I have left behind. I run for those that I love, or have loved. I run for those who have gone before me. Basically, I enthusiastically run to celebrate humanity and the ability to actually do so, for maybe in the future - i may not be able to run anymore but i will ever have the vivid memory of 'tHe RuN'.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Wisdom; Intriguing~indeed

Proverbs 1:1-6 , Proverb 2:6-8 , Proverbs 4:7-8

Proverbs, hmmm interesting - The book that i hardly want to read because i think its just really one tough book to understand. "Where did these intriguing verses came from?" i asked myself.

Wisdom, everybody needs it. I read that wisdom listens all the time, so i was blindly asking myself, hmm maybe God's telling me to shut up and listen more. Then reading on, Wisdom turns out to be about excelling in the art of life. About hindsight, insight and foresight.

Like Sheridan Voysey said, our world is gasping for godly wisdom on issues like relationship, work, success, money, recreation, and excess. Let's become people of hindsight, insight, and foresight BY reflecting on our past experiences, praying for wisdom, and
anticipating where our actions may take us in the future.

Proverbs 2:6 For the Lord gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. -
For the past hour, i was reading top philosophers, doctors, and columnist's pathetic attempt to circle what wisdom is. It was so 'taken' from the bible and turned into mechanical terms. What a waste of time. Does these people that described wisdom actually attained wisdom? Rather sad people... .. . Sad people with published books on the history of wisdom, what is wisdom, the system, academic enterprises... Oh my!.