True Christians are Saltish
Salt anyone?

First, salt functions as a preservative. It is an antiseptic which performs the negative function of preventing spoiling meat from becoming even more rotten and corrupt. It is the most traditional way of preservation. In tropical countries where there is no refrigeration, people rub salt into meat to keep it from going bad. In the same way, when Christians come in close contact with the sinful people of the world, the world is kept from progressing further into unspeakable foulness. Christians benefit secular society. Without their presence, the world would degenerate at an even faster rate. As a moral antiseptic, Christians keep the corruption of society at bay by opposing moral decay by their lives and their words.
Second, salt is necessary for flavour. If you cook, you will know how important salt is, especially being in chinese family where most dishes contains salt. Without Christians and the gospel they proclaim and practice, this world would be more insipid. There is no true flavour found in the world. There is no true joy found in this world. Only the company of Christians gives flavour and joy to the world. We can prove this by examining the worldly parties and good times. What are they like? Boring, tasteless, and insipid. As Christians, we have the function to provide flavour and taste to the world. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. The world is without hope, and only us, the Christian, by his proclamation and practice, will point the world to hope in God through Jesus Christ. With Jesus Christ, comes better taste buds?
Third, salt is white, symbolizing purity; which is exactly why- white is my favourite colour ;-) Christians are to be in the world and yet live pure, different lives. Ironic!. Christians should glory in their difference. They are citizens of heaven who are living in this rotting stinking world for its benefit. As such, they must constantly resist the great deal of temptations of being like the world and must be like the Lord Jesus Christ. They must oppose the rotting and foul values of the world, and proclaim and practice biblical lifestyles. As we read in James 4:4, "Friendship [or conformity] with the world is hatred toward God." As the salt of the earth, we must be holy, pure and different from the world. In Romans 12:2 Paul says, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world" and in James 1:27 we read that we must keep ourselves "from being polluted by the world." In 1 Peter 4:4 we read that the world thinks it strange "that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation." Salt is pure, and at the moment, i can only dream of being pure.
Fourth, salt also was used as a fertilizer. Christians must function in a way that promotes the growth of that which is good in the world. They must oppose evil and promote good, Yup, die you villain!. In God's common grace, there is much good in his world, and Christians must support and promote that which is useful to mankind. For example, Christians must engage in political life to promote policies that are helpful to families. Historically, Christians have championed many causes that promoted the good of humanity. They have suppressed evil and caused good to grow and flourish. Once again, the day is the Holy-Spirit-Power-Pumped Christians.
Fifth, salt causes people to become thirsty. In the same way, Christians should cause people to thirst for Jesus Christ and his gospel. If we live as Christians daily for God's glory alone in the midst of the world, the world will observe us and desire to know about God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Through us God will generate within them a thirst for the living God, and they will come to us and ask, "Why are you different? Why are you so full of hope and peace and joy even in the midst of troubles?" When they do this, you then can tell them about that hope. This illustration has been used by many pastors. Here in malaysia, it's not likely someone will ask you "Why are you different?" or anything similar. It is simply because by asking so, it puts the inquirer literally 'lower' than the other. Its so typical that people here are so engrossed and obssessed with themselves. But, they will approach in different ways because of the thirst for the living God that can change lifes.
First, salt functions as a preservative. It is an antiseptic which performs the negative function of preventing spoiling meat from becoming even more rotten and corrupt. It is the most traditional way of preservation. In tropical countries where there is no refrigeration, people rub salt into meat to keep it from going bad. In the same way, when Christians come in close contact with the sinful people of the world, the world is kept from progressing further into unspeakable foulness. Christians benefit secular society. Without their presence, the world would degenerate at an even faster rate. As a moral antiseptic, Christians keep the corruption of society at bay by opposing moral decay by their lives and their words.
Second, salt is necessary for flavour. If you cook, you will know how important salt is, especially being in chinese family where most dishes contains salt. Without Christians and the gospel they proclaim and practice, this world would be more insipid. There is no true flavour found in the world. There is no true joy found in this world. Only the company of Christians gives flavour and joy to the world. We can prove this by examining the worldly parties and good times. What are they like? Boring, tasteless, and insipid. As Christians, we have the function to provide flavour and taste to the world. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. The world is without hope, and only us, the Christian, by his proclamation and practice, will point the world to hope in God through Jesus Christ. With Jesus Christ, comes better taste buds?
Third, salt is white, symbolizing purity; which is exactly why- white is my favourite colour ;-) Christians are to be in the world and yet live pure, different lives. Ironic!. Christians should glory in their difference. They are citizens of heaven who are living in this rotting stinking world for its benefit. As such, they must constantly resist the great deal of temptations of being like the world and must be like the Lord Jesus Christ. They must oppose the rotting and foul values of the world, and proclaim and practice biblical lifestyles. As we read in James 4:4, "Friendship [or conformity] with the world is hatred toward God." As the salt of the earth, we must be holy, pure and different from the world. In Romans 12:2 Paul says, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world" and in James 1:27 we read that we must keep ourselves "from being polluted by the world." In 1 Peter 4:4 we read that the world thinks it strange "that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation." Salt is pure, and at the moment, i can only dream of being pure.
Fourth, salt also was used as a fertilizer. Christians must function in a way that promotes the growth of that which is good in the world. They must oppose evil and promote good, Yup, die you villain!. In God's common grace, there is much good in his world, and Christians must support and promote that which is useful to mankind. For example, Christians must engage in political life to promote policies that are helpful to families. Historically, Christians have championed many causes that promoted the good of humanity. They have suppressed evil and caused good to grow and flourish. Once again, the day is the Holy-Spirit-Power-Pumped Christians.
Fifth, salt causes people to become thirsty. In the same way, Christians should cause people to thirst for Jesus Christ and his gospel. If we live as Christians daily for God's glory alone in the midst of the world, the world will observe us and desire to know about God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Through us God will generate within them a thirst for the living God, and they will come to us and ask, "Why are you different? Why are you so full of hope and peace and joy even in the midst of troubles?" When they do this, you then can tell them about that hope. This illustration has been used by many pastors. Here in malaysia, it's not likely someone will ask you "Why are you different?" or anything similar. It is simply because by asking so, it puts the inquirer literally 'lower' than the other. Its so typical that people here are so engrossed and obssessed with themselves. But, they will approach in different ways because of the thirst for the living God that can change lifes.
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