The Quill Of Inspirations. 4th Scroll

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, WRITE them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3

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Location: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Everybody is an artist. Everyone has different art to offer. I am an artist with strange art to offer. I believe in I am. I believe in illustration through visual and articulation. I believe expression is inevitable. -Ryan I am still learning about myself everyday.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The New Beginning

The flight was fine, however i could not bring myself to sleep for the entire 12 hours flight, no matter how i turn and twist, how i distract myself from my turbulent feeling swings, i could not escape. Not a single moment i can live consciously without her in my thoughts, and her fair radiant beautiful face, such could only be carved by God. God himself probably spent more time on her during the creating process. The memories together, the conversations had,... though so little, is so precious.
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Anyway, i actually ordered 3 glasses of whisky on the plane, the funny thing is the flight steward was just stunned at my request. I asked for whisky soda for dinner, supper and breakfast!!. He asked like " Are you sure sir that you want a whisky for breakfast?" Then, i went" Yes, i need a good start for my day, thanks".

These few days are rather busy, just occupied with the arrival procedures. Yes, It is cold at times. I would say that the weather is rather unpredictable, its as if you can feel the glaring sun shining into your iris yet not feel the warmth for a bit. Instead the dry blowing cool wind drives your body to shiver. Imagine that!

For the previous days since my arrival, i had many to do. Settling down takes time. As the welcome week is over, i have just moved into my house today, it took a unbelievable amount of time to get the wireless internet running. I won't be able to online as much as i used to now. After unpacking my luggage and cleaning my fresh room, i finally take this opportunity of peaceful minutes to jot down my endeavours for the day. Sitting in a warm lit bedroom and messy surrounding, i miss malaysia~my beloveds, food and convenience.

Its a brand new living i am going through now, as i can see that God is telling me that this is the path he wants. On the first day of my stay here, during my quiet time, God's word is sharp, God's word is timely, he directly spoke warning unto me about not forgetting him and to walk closely with him, On top of that, i am convinced that God wants to take this opportunity for me to take away my convenience in life, that i have to go through a life full of meaning when lived a higher difficulty.

"Responsibilites crawls in silently like a tiger on his prey. With a brilliant leap, i am to have no choice but to live this tiring yet interesting life. I know i'll survive. Cause He said so right, His Grace is sufficient, so i shall live with this adequate grace, neither more nor less. Just nice."

Walking is not separable from life here. Towards anywhere, the most exerted body part is the leg and feet. Everytime i see a bicycle now, i'll have this driving jealousy... Lol. Well, i am going to the city tomorrow to look for a bicycle offer. Public transport is expensive but inevitable at long distance, especially when i am carrying a heavy load of groceries.

To those who might want to send me some 'love' or 'kicks', my address is as below,

No. 28, Highfield Road
Dunkirk, Notts,

Oh, my temporary Uk number is 0792966334 . International sms or calls is expensive, if possible-might i convince you my readers to download and use skype( that we can voice converse with no charge at all. Add me at ' chew.ryan09 '

Till i write again.....

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Crappy Island

For better or worse; wednesday past, not exactly a thrilling nor enticing as the name of the destination. I have travelled often lately in my holidays, and my latest destination is Crab Island, locally known as Pulau Ketam. Yes, the name of the island sounds delicious already ~ the oh so exotic seafood cooked by local island stranded chefs. What enticed me to sign up for this place is the thought that its an island, besides the company of my friends.

I have a rough imagination how this crab island might look like; brown stretch of sand with red and black crabs crawling all over the place. Having told by a friend later that the island was dirty, i added some details to the canvas imaginative drawing i hold on to. Some empty cans and bottles, plastic bags, food leftovers by the irresponsible public that might picniced there. A whole lot of stalls with Crab Island Souveniers. As soon as i board off the ferry and step on the jetty platform, i lift my head up, as i drag my eyes from the ground towards the highest structure i can put my view on. I see this :-

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then this,
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At this moment, i am dumbfounded - just felt cheated. I march on, following the flow of the people on the platform that leads us all to a more lively part of the island. As i advance, the clearer i see how the contrast got more intense. In order that i don't trample towards the ground due to the excessive dissapointment, i try to take comfort in the lies i make for myself. However, no matter how good a liar anyone can be, lying to oneself never seems to work. The mind refuses to co-operate with the conscience, with denial especially.

Reality of crab island.


How bad can it be? The island cannot support crops if you observe carefully, decorative plants and flowers are all grown in pots and planter boxes. The reason is because the bes, the nature of the ground on the island is human waste, yes Crap!. This is not an exaggerated fact.

On top of that, the society lives about 2 metres above the 'wasteland' on a platform. 2 metres above a rotting goos. Even the crabs that live down there are probably outcast, the beautiful large ones were instead chosen to be served on lunch or dinner tables. Such is the life of crabs.

As a conclusion, Pulau Ketam is Image hosted by

Independance Day

Its the independance of Malaysia that I will celebrate last for the next 2 years in Malaysia itself. I could not feel patriotic, its just not inside of me. I cannot feel the passion for my country burn, or perhaps relative to the previous years, the passion reduced significantly that I could not feel it anymore. This day only reminds me of one word, "Merdeka" which barely carry any more meaning than 'Party'. Nevertheless, mind you, I am still proud to be "Anak Malaysia". I refuse to condemn my own country, no matter how terrible it is sometimes. It has its proud issues and its disgrace. Perhaps, the only exception is when I am cracking a joke sarcastically, but of course i do not really mean it. I was probably directing the insult content to the involved party. So i beg that i am not misunderstood.


A recognition, to them,
them who made a difference.

in the past that made my day never the same.


My country's independance day was celebrated in a social bar called The Social located in Bangsar. I can drink liquor by my blood of my family, my resistance to intoxication is something i am proud of. Could it because of early age drinking? The fact that my grandparents can drink because they use to struggle for a living in bars? Or a random feature placed by God?. However, the amount of freedom that my parents blessed upon me n
ow equates the amount of love i have for those who contributed to the independance of my country, through military or diplomatic power. This is the strongest link i have between them and me ~ their contribution. So Drink Up all to the Contributers of Malaysia's Independance.
