Have you ever encountered a conversation with someone where you find the content of the conversation is full of debate?. All because you and the other party have different ideas, logic, values, background and other obvious criteria. Then the inevitable arguement takes place. If the conversation is somewhat unpleasant, the screaming, yelling, name-calling, swearing and all those -you-know-what- begins. If each side good-naturedly argues on the points with theories, philosophies, science facts, that would be a debate. But if the the conversation is between a critical person, you don't get insulted straight at your face. Then clearly, you will get critical remarks like 'You are just plain weird', 'So cute of you to think like that but.....', 'Stop being unusual and start...','You strange little creature'. You get the picture~. Some people gets a lot of critical remarks and drived them to suffer low esteem. Looking at the big picture, all just because critical remarks were hurled based on difference in mentality, someone has to suffer. I know of people that expressed to me how low esteemed they are, out of confession, i realize that it was never their fault, its the background, how the person was brought up, company they mixed with, its all got to do with how people handle people.
The almost every problem that occur in the history of mankind came from one same core problem; Communication Problem. There is simply lack of communication between people, some talk to much that many 'side-effects' take place without intention. Some dwells in silence where the only one hurt from that is the silent one. The world have become a terrible place to live in if you live in a hopelessness due to not knowing the Truth. In my earlier blog ( 2nd scroll ), i remember claiming that the world has lost every piece of integrity, compassion, ethics, morality and every drop of goodness left in it. I mentioned that i realize what a stupid hell we are all living in. Take this case for study, i was being in fact given a lot of rejection, and channeled anger. I should had thought of it this way, why did this person radiate so much 'aura of rejection and hate'? It is only to this recent time after talking to him that i know what terrible life he has been through. He is an orphan, his parents didn't want him when he was born. I knocked myself on my head thinking how could i be so angry at him.
Even though, he was hurt, he didn't have the qualifications to hurt others; mentally or physically. Especially mental attacks should be avoided. Many realize not that our tongue CAn be the mightiest weapon of all as well as the best medicine. God knew the power of words he gave to us, that he created in a way that our possibly most deadly weapon is guarded by your lips, beneath another level of protection; the teeth. That is how powerful the tongue is that it can destroy or heal.
Ephesians 4: 29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.