Lavish Like Leaf
Yesteday i was free. Free as an autumn leaf released from its branch and brethen -- floating freely in the breeze pushed by winds of all directions before it hits the ground and is trampled underfoot or ran over by some vehicle. Basically, i was free. But, free from what? Free from obligation to study, and that's really about it. And yet, this freedom, for a dying moment, felt like the freedom of a slave forced to study under the dictatorship of parents and at the same time, self-propelled to achieve for myself. I detached myself from whatsoever educational material, its now all about going bananas!

I sat in the coffeeshop by imbi accompanying my friend, Lye to have his late lunch. I witness the hurrying hordes of cars passing by eagerly, the unsettling noise and the glaring sun, it was these that gave me the sweet caress of freedom -- if even for a fleeting instant. It was a feeling where you have can stare into blankness and have no guilt. No guilt of watching the seconds tick away on my sporty yellow adidas watch. For three months now, i am free to the limited degree an illusory freedom grants us. But, this illusion was still beautiful. And in this illusion, we all see like mirage in the desert of life, - it will always be beautiful, be desirable.
And yet, deep inside i know, so clearly know that it would not last. It won't be long that i'll be occupied with something very soon. I click open my schedule calender on my cellphone and i see reminder all over the dates in the month. Reminder of friend's birthday, to submit accomodation form, to purchase tickets, to this, to that. Its good in a way that it makes yourself more organized and experienced. Sorting out your life like a puzzle on a giant board.

I sat in the coffeeshop by imbi accompanying my friend, Lye to have his late lunch. I witness the hurrying hordes of cars passing by eagerly, the unsettling noise and the glaring sun, it was these that gave me the sweet caress of freedom -- if even for a fleeting instant. It was a feeling where you have can stare into blankness and have no guilt. No guilt of watching the seconds tick away on my sporty yellow adidas watch. For three months now, i am free to the limited degree an illusory freedom grants us. But, this illusion was still beautiful. And in this illusion, we all see like mirage in the desert of life, - it will always be beautiful, be desirable.
And yet, deep inside i know, so clearly know that it would not last. It won't be long that i'll be occupied with something very soon. I click open my schedule calender on my cellphone and i see reminder all over the dates in the month. Reminder of friend's birthday, to submit accomodation form, to purchase tickets, to this, to that. Its good in a way that it makes yourself more organized and experienced. Sorting out your life like a puzzle on a giant board.
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