The Quill Of Inspirations. 4th Scroll

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, WRITE them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3

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Location: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Everybody is an artist. Everyone has different art to offer. I am an artist with strange art to offer. I believe in I am. I believe in illustration through visual and articulation. I believe expression is inevitable. -Ryan I am still learning about myself everyday.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Respect My Authorita!

I remember the word authority on my management notes just months ago, what i remember from the notes is simply, authority is different from responsibility. Authority cannot be delegated while responsibility can. Yadda yadda...

Don't you think that Life cannot exist without authority? Its just there at every level of existence. It lives at every level of life. It could be because authority is part of the very nature of God. God himself have the highest authority, so if we are to be Christ like, we need to know how to practice authority. So basically "Authority is Life. Get used to it!".

Of course i know how suck@$$ when we have to eat commands from higher authority, especially when we deem them to be incompetent or ridiculous. When you don't obey, punishment must be applied to set example to the others.

Courtesy of google image search
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Eric Cartman--" Respect my authorita!" *Hits subject with stick


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