The Quill Of Inspirations. 4th Scroll

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, WRITE them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3

My Photo
Location: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Everybody is an artist. Everyone has different art to offer. I am an artist with strange art to offer. I believe in I am. I believe in illustration through visual and articulation. I believe expression is inevitable. -Ryan I am still learning about myself everyday.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Its Never Dull in Hull ..:: Host Uk ::..

It was the second week of April 06', I was invited for the weekend to Beverly-Hull, Yorkshire under the HostUk Programme that i signed for back in March 2006. I was looking forward to go for several weeks already even as i was busy with coursework and project meetings.


As i flip open a book by Tony Parson, ready for a dreadfully long train ride, i was thinking if i would be able to interact well with my host, little that i know but i know that my host ages 60+ and lives alone, besides the fact that her son lives several streets away from her. We chatted earlier and she told me of so many places of interest in Hull which i knew i had to visit. I had never been good communicating with elders, my grandmother and i had language barrier and all i remember of her is how she used to scream-scold me, and make me this wonderful fried rice when i was younger. Never had the opportunity to meet my grandfathers, as they passed away rather early (in quite a humourous way, so i was told).

The train announced the arrival at Beverly, and i know thats my stop. I begin to look for someone i had never seen, i was easier to spot because you don't see much asians hanging around in beverly.Not long later, she found me and gave the warmest greeting as we walk to her nearby residence. There, i was shown around and i unpacked in an awaiting guest room.

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Maureen Rispin, my charming host. She shown me around and tell me as much as i need to know about her life, her friends, her experience and her thoughts on certain matters. She brought me to a second-hand christian charity shop that aims to serve missionaries in Afrika. There was loads of stuff everywhere, it has all sort of stuffs, and an endless collection of fine books. Lucky me!, i purchased another Tony Parson's book there at 50 pence.

During the 3 days visit, i was spammed with tonnes and tonnes of british culture and history. We attended many museums and cathedrals. But the place that was most fun was the The Deep, in Hull. Its certainly not Dull in Hull. The Deep is the world's only submarium and it was quite spectacular. Then, i was brought to the british coast, where i was able to see an abandoned harbour and an operating shipyard which is parked by a massive fleet of yachts probably owned by the rich and powerful.

She showed me many insights on the british history, especially the antiques. The Victorian age items, the different designs and influence. Many names of wonderful artist, carpenter, potters, and any other artsy thingiz.

There was an evening, we spent entirely just on eating biscuit, butter, cheese and wine while solving crossword puzzles, sudoku and some other weird games. She was amazingly good and fast at it!. Later, we browse an atlas which sharing stories- well i was listening most of the time because she had visited half the world and every place has such fascinating stories to tell.

I honestly think that this trip was something i needed, its as if maureen was filling the empty role of a grandmother. She gave me an experience i never had and it shall never leave me.