The Quill Of Inspirations. 4th Scroll

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, WRITE them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3

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Location: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Everybody is an artist. Everyone has different art to offer. I am an artist with strange art to offer. I believe in I am. I believe in illustration through visual and articulation. I believe expression is inevitable. -Ryan I am still learning about myself everyday.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Life's A Journey, Not A Destination

The once a year day has arrived, marking a new step and setting new measures in my life. Where reflections... of memories of the past, thanksgiving for the present and dreams in the future comes. Remarkable what yesterday means to me; it serves as

An anniversary.

A reminder of how long i survived.

A remembrance of my cumulative honour in LIVING.
~An underestimated art of survival by many ignorant people~


"Have i progressed through life taking down challenges of life and matured on? or have i successfully slipped through all the troubles hurled to me in life?" i thought to myself while standing in the cold waiting for a bus to grab groceries at Beeston town yesterday night. An abrupt stream of wind that gives nothing more than a deadly chill gave rise to a more important question that follows. "Does it matter?"

I suppose it does. Its all that matters.

Life's a journey, not a destination.


Here i am gladly sitting in my warm cozy room knowing that a blizzard right across the window could not harm me. I woke up yesterday aware it was a special day, it should be a special day. Why? Because so many beloved ones wished it so.... Everybody wishes me so.. The same phrase, that most boring slogan you can hear repeated throughout the day. Why "HAPPYBirthday" anyway? Happy~ Perhaps to express pleasure and joy in the day that you were born, to remind that the individual is immensely thankful you were born. The magnificence of your being is appreciated. But.. was all of it truely meant though? It would seem like wishing Happy Birthday is just a proper standard pattern of behaviour...The measures of authenticity, in what unit? perchance it could be the number of tears? the turbulence of stirred hearts? the degree of warmness? This boils down just to bear out that its just one whole big insignificant enigma.

Regardless of my blabbering, i bid my deepest gratitude to all who remembered and wished me. The mild inconsequential greeting means it all to me. Enough to allow myself to recognize that i am a light, because i can still be seen on a normal passing day.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo bro,
Perhaps sometimes we do feel its nothing on our bdae. And on the other hand we wants to be remembered to frds or close ones tht its our bdae..As its be always the same thing each year.

But well,its at least come to after 20 odd yrs I realise tht, we do haf a great frds or close ones who actually remembered our bdae.

And lastly dude, its the thought tht counts.

Its juz me..

4:17 PM  

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